Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

I'm approaching the 2 year mark since my life was jeopardized by a series of Synvisc injections. If ALL of the information to make a true "informed consent" had been mandated by the FDA then my life would have been far healthier and more productive during this time. Every human being considering Synvisc should be aware that permissible levels of formaldehyde
[a known neurotoxin and carcinogen with a Health Rating: 3 - Severe (Poison)and cannot be made nonpoisonous] and Divinyl Sulfone
[the blistering agent of mustard gas] are allowed and not disclosed.

This injection poisoned me and burned through my entire nervous system. As it stands, I've come a long way thanks to the incredible dedication and extensive IV and detox treatments from my NMD. He has never wavered in seeing me through this ordeal. But I am still plagued with brain tremors and debilitating fatigue since these injection. And I am not alone. Many others have suffered and were blatantly dismissed by their injecting physicians as well.

It's a sad state of health affairs when pharmaceutical companies are so powerful that the welfare and lives of individuals mean absolutely NOTHING. On Feb 20, 2008 the US Supreme court voted 8:1
to protect the manufacturers of medical devices from ANY liability if the FDA deems the device "safe". Yet Synvisc and other viscosupplementations break 2 of the 4 criteria for Medical Device classification. 1) it metabolizes and 2) it causes a chemical change. This classification also means that the metabolic by-product is NOT KNOWN. This classification allows Synvisc on the market without a REMEDY when it goes systemic and causes problems like poisoning and pharma injury. How does this happen? MONEY...follow the money.

Read through the extensive information on this blog BEFORE you consent. The least I can do is warn others so they don't SUFFER hardships like too many of us have. I wish someone would've INFORMED me.


  1. Thank you so much for this blog! I had my third knee surgery in December and still have a problem my orthopedist attributes to arthritis. I never had this particular problem before the injury (which was successfully treated), and the surgery was on a different part of my knee, but he still thinks it's "just" arthritis. Today he suggested an injection of Synvisc. Not thinking my insurance would cover it, not knowing if it might help, and then discovering how expensive it is, I declined but checked with my insurance company when I got home. Turns out they will cover it, but I wanted to do a little research first.

    All the information I'd seen on it prior to today says it's "safe and effective with few or no side effects." The worst thing I'd read was that it works for some people and doesn't for others. Thinking this sounded just a little too good to be true, I dug a little farther and found, among many sources, this blog.

    Thank goodness I did! OMG! This sounds like the problems women with leaky silicon-gel breast implants have experienced. Now there's no way in the world I'd let someone put this stuff in my body!

    I am extremely sensitive to many drugs and chemicals, and this sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen. It may be I could take it and have no problems whatsoever, but I'm a survivor of Levaquin, and that's the last drug nightmare I ever want to experience!

    What's crazy is the FDA doesn't even classify this stuff as a drug but a "medical device." Hello! It's being injected into the body and is metabolized into heaven-only-knows what! It's a freakin' drug! We need a new government agency to protect us from the FDA! (Just kidding. We don't need bigger government.) You hit the nail on the head when you said it's all about money. That's exactly what it's about. Follow the money.

    Anyway, thank you so much for writing this blog. You have no doubt saved others from the horrors you suffered. Please continue to sound the alarm! I wish you all the best in your continued recovery.

  2. Thank you for letting me know that this helped you! It has indeed been a nightmare for me and others I'm in contact with. This brings such joy to know that I have helped you NOT go through the same thing!!!!!!!!

    I encourage you to check into ozone injections and search for a physician on Dr Shallenberger's site. Ozone injections have done wonders for me and so many others I know. AND it's all natural and stimulates regrowth of cartilage and ligaments. It's been a God-send to me.

  3. Thanks! I'll certainly check into that.

  4. Good blog.

    I developed severe vertigo and cognitive problems after my 8th injection of Supartz. I can't get any serious medical attention or investigation into my case. I am 10 months out now and nowhere near normal. These injections are a serious problem for many people and there is not enough awareness of the risks...

  5. You are correct. Not enough awareness, and when a catastrophic incident occurs, you are left to fend for yourself. The aftermath is horrific for all I've been in contact with, yet due to the US Supreme Ct RIEGEL v. MEDTRONIC, INC. in 2008, the companies of viscosupplementations are free and clear of liability! SAD!!!! They can recklessly harm people and have no concerns at all.
