Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Symptoms following Synvisc

I'm 3 years out from my Synvisc injections after my OS suggested this about 2 months following arthroscopic knee surgery after an injury. I had a life-threatening adverse event/reaction to Synvisc. Most of the symptoms lasted WELL over a year, and I still deal with some. IV chelation & IV nutrition therapies, as well as specific homeopathics SAVED MY LIFE and have helped to restore my health. I still deal with some of these symptoms, especially if I go too long without chelation. I've come a long way since this first started, but it's been a LONG, HARD-fought battle to get to where I am today. And EXPENSIVE. Consider this BEFORE you consent to Synvisc injections for knee pain or when your OS suggests that you're a good candidate for these injections. You're likely a better candidate for Ozone injections that actually heals the joint and prevents knee-replacement! [I am not a doctor and nor do I profit off of ozone treatments. Just a person who went through hell physically and emotionally following Synvisc injections.]

Is it worth years of this:

a] debilitating fatigue
b] periods of breathing difficulties
c] racing heart and cough
d] Sticky skin & sticky inside of my mouth
e] loss of coordination and balance, and some short term memory
f] Dizzy spells/passing out
g] persistent tremors throughout face, chest and arms
h] brain tremors -- feels like the vibration of an idling car
i] Intense acid burning that started with the knee injection, and burned down through the lower leg.
j] The intense burning then moved throughout my body and entire nervous system, including my brain. It was unbearable in the first several months
k] Random body jerks and pressure in my chest that started with the injection.
l] Numb arms, hands, legs, feet
m] Body trembled uncontrollably
n] OVER THE TOP chemically sensitive since injections
o] I had extreme tightness behind the knee for weeks, Baker's Cyst was ruled out


  1. Hi,

    I'm the anonymous who posted the "thank you!" comments on your December 2009 article. I've followed your blog since then hoping for an update on your progress. I'm happy to hear you've found something that helps and are doing better. May you continue to improve all the time.

    I had a Baker's cyst develop after another idiot doctor gave me a steroid injection (in the absence of any arthritis) and that was worse than the original knee pain. I did end up having arthroscopic surgery but have continued to have problems. I'm not a jock, so I didn't get the attention or IMO the level of treatment that they did.

    Thank you again for disseminating this information. Keep the heat on this!

  2. Thank you for checking back in and for your kind thoughts. There are definitely still tough times, but my good times are outnumbering the other. That's a huge praise!

    I am so thankful to my doctors who really care and seek to do no harm. They are the ones who've made my road to recovery possible, along with many prayers.

    I'm not sure where you live, but if you can get to an ozone physician, I know it will help your knee to heal.

    This link will help you find one nearest you. It's worth the travel! YOU are worth it!

    I'm so glad to help others keep from going through what I went through. It was pure hell on many levels.

    Stay in touch!

  3. Hi, my 77 yr old active mother was having chronic knee pain and was told her knees weren't bad enough for replacement. She had these shots--last one two weeks ago and she is much worse than she was! Yesterday the physician ass't told her to use a cane! This is a woman who goes to the gym, exercises, etc. Dr. won't see her until the end of the month. She refused a cortisone shot. They gave her celebrex. Do you know of any lawyers looking into this? If I had researched and found out about this, I would have warned her not to do it. Thank you.

    1. Hi im glad or hope your mom is ok,im 55,both knees are shot sense the shots,im loosing cordenation my hands>as you can see i cant type now,get jolts in arms etc.and have a friend who works at FDC,She tolde this stuff can be leathal,correct,law suit,class action,if ya wanna talk i a vet,i served my country,and THIS is how they show me they love and respect me? alot of the sympthoms im getting now,and was the second shot that made it worse..any sugestions email me please

    2. I got two shots,as you said,the rrimmers are so weird,cant consentrate,thinking is hard and cordination with me hands typing is horrible,im a vet,served my country,this is how they repay me
      im 55 and in bad enough shape,hope your mother is ok,any one who wants to write me with sugestions do so a class action suit will work well,hat is of to that fine inteligent lady who sugested this,the va told me it was harmless and even have the paper they gave me stating it was harmless,gesus big BS on that one..hope you all are ok,im getting worse,its so weird,did any one hear of any thing about sudden death from this crap? 2 guys told me this one was a DO...gesus

    3. We sHould all join together and take the company to court,ever see the movie Erin Brokovich?

    4. Hi John, If you can find an attorney to take the case, contact me! I contacted more than I kept track of, but because of our wonderful US Supreme Court has protected this "device"... and now the majority of pharmaceuticals from liability. Let me know if your road leads anywhere.... I highly recommend IV chelation, ozone injections, detox your liver, get tested for candida, etc. This blog has lots of suggestions. Read for me. It's been a LONG and expensive haul for me, but I am doing MUCH better after the five year mark, but with LOTS of IV's, etc.

  4. Just got 80cc drained off my knee 48 hours after my 4th synvisc injection: 1,2,and 3 no problem but had adverse reaction this time. Wiped out with fatigue and nausea. Wish I had done more research first! Thanks for this blog.

  5. You are NOT alone in wishing on the research prior to consent! After 3.5 years of extensive IV nutrition therapy, my health is much better. It was a LONG and painful journey back to health! Many have never returned to their prior health.

  6. And people need to be aware that the possibility of an adverse reaction INCREASES WITH EACH INJECTION!!!

    DON'T BELIEVE WHAT "THEY" SAY...I did, and paid long and hard for it!

  7. I had my synvisc injections back in March of this year. 1 and 2 went fine and I was so excited to not have any pain. The trouble came after the 3rd round. The knees swelled up beyond recognition and the pain and throbbing was intense. I returned a week later describing the problem and was told to just take tylenol. The next week I went back and the doctor said that this was not a reaction. What? I walked normally before the shots and now walk like Frankenstein. I can't bend my knees more than 90 degrees and the pain is horrible. Every step feels like someone is bashing in my knees with a baseball bat. I went back again and they prescribed vicodin. I have been living on 6 of those a day now for 2 months. I go to the doctor again this week. Will be seeing a different doc so hopefully he will drain fluid off of knees and give a shot of cortisone. I cannot believe the issues I have had from this and how it has caused me so much pain and suffering. When will a class action law suit get started. THis company needs to PAY and PAY big time.

    1. They will never pay. See comment below. I HIGHLY recommend that you find an ozone physician in your area. Ozone injections will help to detox Synvisc out of your knee, and yes it's still likely in your system, AND it will help to restore the cartilage and heal the joint. I know soooo many who have been helped by this type of treatment.

      Here's a link to find a physician nearest you. It's worth traveling for as well.

      I also recommend IV chelation to help get this poison out of your system.

    2. PLEASE let us know how you're doing from time to time!!!

    3. I had a terrible reaction, see my previous posts. Did you have any luck in taking this to court?

    4. Due to the US Supreme Ct ruling on Feb 21, 2008, Riegal vs Meditronic, the makers of Synvic and other viscosupplemenations and Medical Devices are PROTECTED from ALL liability if the FDA approves it. There is no recourse!!!

      I pray that you can find an Ozone physician. Please read through blog for more information and links. it's a HIGHLY effective alternative to any viscosupplemenation... NO CORTISONE!!!

      Hope you are doing better, but it took me YEARS to recover with very aggressive natural medicine.

    5. Your your quote about being protected from all liability since Synvisc is FDA approved is very disheartening!

  8. My husband had the Synvisc one shot in June 2011 and he was in the hospital for three days after the shot because he could not move from the neck down. He has now been diagnoised with rheumatoid arthristis and he was told it was from the synvisc one shot. He is in alot of pain.He was in perfect health prior to the shot and after his knee surgery. The doctor told him he needed the shot to lubricate his knee a month after the surgery. He has been through hell and still going through it. We had hoped it would go away after a year. He is thinking of getting legal help to sue the drug company.Anyone else recently had complications?

    1. In addition to my reply below, I recommend that your husband find someone who will give him IV Chelation. That really helped me pull through this event. Also, limit his exposure to artificial chemicals, even those in soaps, detergents, hygiene products, etc. Also eat more whole organic foods. This will all help to reduce the load on his liver. Anything you touch, eat or smell has to metabolize through the liver. The Paleo Diet has helped people with RA too.

      I hope these suggestions help you. I KNOW YOUR PAIN!!!!!

    2. And PLEASE let us know how you're doing from time to time.

  9. There is no legal course of action due to RIEGEL v. MEDTRONIC, INC. This US Supreme Ct ruling protects the manufacturers of "medical devices" of ANY liability if meets FDA approval. People should say NO before hand, the possible side-effects are NOT worth the minimal outcome.

    Ozone injections will do more for to help your knee than any viscosupplementation on the market! I am not a doctor and I do not benefit from the marketing of Ozone injections. I'm just someone who they helped.

    1. what are ozone injections? I am in horrible pain after 3 injections of synvisc
      reply to

    2. Google Ozone injections and Shallenberger. It will bring you to a page where you can find information and a doctor nearest you. They are a GOD-SEND!!! Have helped a multitude of people with various issues, especially knees and backs!

  10. WOW i passed out while driving today after getting synvisc yesterday kinda scary

  11. Pay attention to your symptoms, Lisa! I hope you are okay and do not have any more!

  12. I had my third synvisc injection in February.
    My whole life has been turned uside down.
    I lost my career, almost every symptom I seem to have. Both myself and my doctor have asked the
    company to contact me for help, with no results.
    I have had every test that several doctors have suggested.
    I can't function but there is nothing wrong with me. How can this company continue to put peoples lifes at risk and not have any responsibilty??
    They must be accountable for making me pretty much a house vegetible. I would like to find a firm to take them to court on a class action considering there are so many of us they have runed. if anyone would like to cantact me. Angry, Mad, is a huge understatement of how i am feeling.

    1. me too do not ever have these injections

  13. I know how you feel, and so do many others. I wish there was a way to hold Sanofi’s (SAN) Genzyme accountable. Unfortunately the RIEGEL v. MEDTRONIC, INC decision by the US Supreme Ct ruled in 2008 protects the manufacturers of "medical devices" of ANY liability if meets FDA approval. Believe me, I feel your emotions, physical pain and the injustice of it all. Our gov't is ruled by big money, not the people. Read through the blog for advice on where to go from here to get better. It's been a LONG haul for many who have contacted me.

  14. I had one injection in my right knew 8/6/12. The first day I had no problems. Day 2 my knee kept feeling as though it would hyperextend, but that subsided. Fast forward to 8/26/12 my right knee swelled and I happened to have an appointment with my orthopedics dr 8/27/12 to receive a shot in my left knee. Had I known of this blog I would never have gotten my left knee injected. Since 8/27/12 I have had 80-100mL of fluid removed from the right knee and from the left knee. The swelling was severe, I couldn't bend my knees. Neither icing literally all night each night nor ibuprofen or compression therapy has helped. My doctor agrees I should not receive these shots again and I'm concerned this has done more harm than the perceived good it was supposed to do. My legs are still swollen and painful and my dr has no suggestions other than to give it 4-6wks. Obviously this drug needs to be reevaluated. Has anyone initiated complaints to the FDA about synvisc one?

  15. I have suspected since having three synvisc insjection in July that I have had adverse reactions to Synvisc since my legs, both of them, became severely weak and painful, both with sciatica, muscle deterioration, spasms, severe charlie horses, ankle and bone pain. I got a Vitamin B12 shot and felt so much better, and now I'm taking Vitamin D, E, B12 and B complex to name a few. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. I went from having a bone spur and pain only in my right knee to becoming crippled and neuropathic. It can't all be a coincidence. I have been dealing with illness since my thirties or most of my life. I truly believe if there are chemicals in sysvisc it has brought back CFS after 16 years of being ailment free.

    Why are drugs being put on the market to cause us worse problems? They are not tested long enough and we and we are all guinea pigs!!!

    1. It's all about the money!!! They are not concerned about our individual health. Greed is the name of their game.

      I feel your pain with all that you've mentioned. I hope you are doing better. It was a really LONG haul for me to feel better, and I've yet to return to the health I had prior to my poisoning by Synvisc. I am thankful for where I am today, though.

  16. wow. first time here. i have been been injected for 6 years with every 6 months. every time i get 2-3 days of swelling and pain and then i get relieve of about 50 per cent of the knee pain. the first year we tried synvisc. i mentioned to the OS Dr. that i had severe pain and swelling and we switched to the "synthetic" one. it was totally no good at all for i have "put up" with the discomfort of a couple of days for a few months of less pain...and less pain killer and anti-inflammatories. we do the 3 shots because of the one shot disabled me for 2 weeks a couple of years back. the last time in august and now in December. now it is Jan.4,2013. my last of the 3 shots was Dec.27,2012. i can finally walk with out my cane. the pain is unreal for the first week. i have been going to my personal Dr. for chronic fatigue, breathing problems, muscle cramps,night and day sweats,shooting pain up and down my legs, sciatica type pains since august. this has changed my life, because i am very active working out and being physically active daily in work and home. thanks for the info i have read. i now realise that it was not me. now i have to get back to normal. no synvisc. thanks again. i hope this helps other folks.

    1. Thank you for adding your experience to this blog. Sorry to hear that you're having a similar experience to my own. I hope you're able to restore your health, and get help. Ozone injections really helped my joint clear out and get better. Not a bandage, but authentic help.

  17. I had Synvic One shot in both of my knees 3 times prior with only a 1-2 day recovery period. Just had the shot for a 4th time this past Wednesday afternoon (March 26, 2013). Walked out of my OA's office fine went to work the next day at my desk job and elevated and iced my knees. Friday I could not walk and my both knees were the size of grapefruits. No ROM, cold sweats and hot flashes. Have been icing, elevating, ibuprofening, massaging and resting for the past 3 days. Swelling has gone down a little, but I still cannot walk upright and have limted ROM in my knees. I am unable to commemorate Resurrection Sunday tomorrow with my 4 yr old. If i am not better by Monday I will visit my OA and suggest draining my knees.

  18. For the past 18 months my 85 year old wife has had a serious problem with dry, sticky, swollen lips. The lips do not appear to be swollen yet she constantly complains about how bad they feel and has never ending movement of her lips to try and overcome the feeling. We have been to dermatologists, allergists, neurologists, throat specialists, Mayo Clinic, all to no avail. We have reason to believe it started with a Synvisc One injection in Dec.2011 in one knee and worsened in Oct 2012 with injections in both knees. There has never been a knee problem after the injection. None of the specialists she has been to think that the Synvisc One is the cause, but we are convinced it is. Nor have they come up with any treatment or medication to stop the lip problem. She sometimes has tremors and some of the other symptoms noted here, but the lips are most serious and almost debilitating. Anyone else have that problem?

    1. I had sticky skin and inside of my mouth. I did have numbing and tremors. The ingredients in this product are neurotoxic, so that makes sense to me. My guess is that it is related, but very few doctors will ever link a reaction to a pharmaceutical... at least that was my experience, and that of many others!

  19. Thank you for sharing this information. Do you know anything about the other types of hyaluronic acid injections (Euflexxa, Orthovisc, etc.)? I'm wondering if one of these other types might be safer.

    1. There are others that are less toxic, but personally I would find a doctor who uses ozone injections to stimulate regrowth of the cartilage. It's amazing, effective and NOT toxic. It's also not a "band aid", but gets to the root of the issue. Google "ozone and Dr Shallanberger" to get to his site. There you will find an ozone doctor nearest you... and it's WORTH the travel!!

    2. Here you go...
