Saturday, July 4, 2009

FDA Adverse Event / Side-Effect Report 2 -- Synvisc (H-G 20)

This report is taken from the FDA Maude site where adverse reactions/events are reported.

Event Date 4/23/2009

Report Date 5/15/2009

Swelling in the throat, pain the right leg that went down to the toes, difficulty breathing, swelling of face, dizziness, nausea, rash, headache, injection was painful, passed out twice, chest pains, jaw pain. Spontaneous report.

Case description recieved on 5/15/2009, from a female patient initials c-m whose relavent medical history included a torn ACL replaced in 2000, fell and tore lateral mensicus which was removed, arthritis in the right knee, and previous Synvisc injections in 2008. The patient recieved the 3rd injection of her most recent series of Synvisc injections in her right knee in 2009. The injection was painful and it went down her leg into her toes. Following her injection, patient experienced swelling in her throat and face, chest pains, difficulty breathing, jaw pain, nausea, rash, headache, dizziness, and passed out twice. The patient was hospitalized for 3 days for testing related to above symptoms that were worsening. She had a ct of her throat, swallow study, and numerous other tests which have not shown any particular reason for her symptoms. The symptoms "come and go" and "hit her like a wave". As of date of report, patient's outcome is unknown.

Information extracted from the FDA Maude site for Adverse Reactions to Synvisc (Hylan G-F 20) manufactured by Genzyme.

Whoever you are, you are not alone!!


  1. Maybe you should try Euflexxa next time. Euflexxa is the closest formulation to a healthy knee. It is bacterially fermented and non cross linked.

  2. Thanks for your advice, but through the advice of others on forums, I've tried ozone & B12 injections into the knee joint, and they've worked wonders, without any known adverse side-effects. They also stimulate healing, and nothing is fermented or cross-linked or hidden in the patent, etc.
